Turn your skin into a performance organ!
All-biomimetic products without any harmful chemicals or pharmaceuticals
Patented technologies emulating natural mechanisms

Real effect, universally applicable:
Training or competition
Prevention or regeneration
Preparation or follow-up

Pioneering new approaches in sports:
Performance enhancement
Injury prevention
Injury treatment

DYNADION athleceuticals present their mechanisms of action in a biomimetic way, i.e. in a way that is modeled on nature. One of the key features here is that the effects are actually achieved and not just simulated sensory effects. This is illustrated by the example of the Cooling and Warming product groups:

Cooling for strained athlete

Cooling effects are not only achieved by alcohols, but also by means of sustainable active ingredients that regulate the development of perspiration in particular. The cooling effects are physically measurable and not just felt.

Warming for the training session


Warming effects are achieved through an actual local increase in body temperature and not just through a nerve sensation.



DYNADION offers a wide range of Shielding & Caring products that provide permanent protection with a broad spectrum of applications - even prophylactically.

Shielding & Caring

With its SPECIALTIES products, DYNADION offers athleceuticals that provide targeted support for the skin in specific sports. The Ultra Grip Spray, for example, offers cyclists improved grip in the saddle, improved traction thanks to a firmer seat and increased performance as a result.


A brand of the 

Development in alliance with

WINNER Beauty & Care 2023