Product description
Sun protection and skin care are extremely relevant for any outdoor sport. The Shield Spray Skin UV 60 is essentially based on NSP©and microbran© technology.
NSP© stands for "natural sun protection". NSP© technology forms a barely perceptible micro-protective film of approx. 2 to 3 micrometers thick in the skin, which naturally protects the skin against UV-A, UV-B and UV-C radiation. UV radiation is immediately assimilated with the application of Shield Spray Skin UV 60. This micro-protective film is also breathable, (salt) water-resistant and abrasion-resistant - and can maintain its sun protection factor (SPF 60) for a very long time.
The film is removed only by intense rubbing - e.g., when drying the skin with a towel - and needs to be reapplied afterwards.
The protection of Shield Spray Skin UV 60 is maintained in particular by its film-forming properties: If slight abrasion occurs as a result of the accidental imitation of a scrubbing-wiping technique, the microbran© protective film and the NSP© component will rebuild themselves there.
The protective and caring effects of Shield Spray Skin UV 60 are long-lasting. Generally until the next towel use in combination with sweat or a lot of water - so for example directly after showering.
NSP© strengthens the skin's cell membrane complex and is free from conventional and often very harmful mineral or organic sun protection ingredients. In particular, it is free from microplastics, oxybenzone, octinocate and octocrylene.
The pH-balance© technology of Shield Spray Skin UV 60 removes the alkalinity of sweat and keeps the pH value in the skin-neutral range of 5.5. This removes the alkaline irritation potential of sweat and prevents sweat eczema.
Effects and protection
Shield Spray Skin UV 60 provides long-lasting moisture (up to 24 hours) and thus prevents the skin from drying out - another essential skin care property.
The Shield Spray Skin UV 60 is:
- compatible with mucous membranes,
- breathable,
- extremely sand-resistant,
- extremely sweat-proof,
- extremely (salt) waterproof,
- extremely friction-resistant.
Shield Spray Skin UV 60: Multiple protection in a purely biomimetic way - especially without typical UV filters as known irritants!
Shield Spray Skin UV 60 is very environmentally friendly. It is 100% organic and therefore 100% biodegradable. Waters and underwater life are thus not polluted. Shield Spray Skin UV 60 is therefore also in this respect everything that conventional sunscreens are not: water friendly, algae friendly, reef friendly, coral friendly, ...
Sun protection and skin care are extremely relevant for any outdoor sport. The Shield Spray Skin UV 60 is essentially based on NSP©and microbran© technology.
NSP© stands for "natural sun protection". NSP© technology forms a barely perceptible micro-protective film of approx. 2 to 3 micrometers thick in the skin, which naturally protects the skin against UV-A, UV-B and UV-C radiation. UV radiation is immediately assimilated with the application of Shield Spray Skin UV 60. This micro-protective film is also breathable, (salt) water-resistant and abrasion-resistant - and can maintain its sun protection factor (SPF 60) for a very long time.
The film is removed only by intense rubbing - e.g., when drying the skin with a towel - and needs to be reapplied afterwards.
The protection of Shield Spray Skin UV 60 is maintained in particular by its film-forming properties: If slight abrasion occurs as a result of the accidental imitation of a scrubbing-wiping technique, the microbran© protective film and the NSP© component will rebuild themselves there.
The protective and caring effects of Shield Spray Skin UV 60 are long-lasting. Generally until the next towel use in combination with sweat or a lot of water - so for example directly after showering.
NSP© strengthens the skin's cell membrane complex and is free from conventional and often very harmful mineral or organic sun protection ingredients. In particular, it is free from microplastics, oxybenzone, octinocate and octocrylene.
The pH-balance© technology of Shield Spray Skin UV 60 removes the alkalinity of sweat and keeps the pH value in the skin-neutral range of 5.5. This removes the alkaline irritation potential of sweat and prevents sweat eczema.
Shield Spray Skin UV 60 provides long-lasting moisture (up to 24 hours) and thus prevents the skin from drying out - another essential skin care property.
The Shield Spray Skin UV 60 is:
- compatible with mucous membranes,
- breathable,
- extremely sand-resistant,
- extremely sweat-proof,
- extremely (salt) waterproof,
- extremely friction-resistant.
Shield Spray Skin UV 60: Multiple protection in a purely biomimetic way - especially without typical UV filters as known irritants!
Shield Spray Skin UV 60 is very environmentally friendly. It is 100% organic and therefore 100% biodegradable. Waters and underwater life are thus not polluted. Shield Spray Skin UV 60 is therefore also in this respect everything that conventional sunscreens are not: water friendly, algae friendly, reef friendly, coral friendly, ...
It is recommended to shower beforehand with one of the DYNADION Shower & Shampoos in order to achieve a homogeneous film formation on the skin.
Spray onto dry skin, rub in and allow to absorb completely.
After drying off water or sweat with a towel or similar, repeat the application. The application can be repeated as often as necessary.
Aqua, Coco Glucoside, Chitosan Salicylate
Product features in general
- Biomimetic
- 100% organic and biodegradable
- Made in Germany
Product features special
- Mucosa-friendly
- Breathable
- Extremely sweat-resistant
- Extremely sand-resistant
- Extremely (salt) water resistant
- Extremely friction-resistant
- pH-skin-neutral and pH-buffering
Shelf life & storage
- Shelf life unopened 3 years.
- Shelf life 12 months after opening.
- Storage at -5°C to +65°C.
Especially free from ...
Titanium dioxide, DHHB (diethylamino hydroxybenzoyl hexyl benzoate), DnHexP (di-n-hexyl phthalate), oxybenzone, octinocate, octocrylene, triazines, avobenzone, , homosalate, octisalate, bis-ethylhexyloxyphenol methoxyphenyl, terephthalylidene dicamphor sulfonic acid, , ensulizole, silicones, microplastics, preservatives
Notes and questions
Shield Spray Skin UV 60 can also be used very comfortably in everyday and professional life in outdoor conditions.
Shield Spray Skin UV 60 can be combined with all DYNADION products to combine effects. The basic rules are
- First apply Rinse Off products (Shower & Shampoo) and then Leave On products.
- In case of several Leave On products, apply those products with mechanical protection (lotions, fluids) first and then the other Leave On products (sprays). Among the others (sprays), apply the thermoactive products first (Cooling, Warming).
How long does the sun protection actually last?
The personal erythema threshold time - that is, the time that each person can individually spend in the sun without getting sunburned - is extended by factor 60. Shield Spray Skin UV 60, although hardly noticeable, remains reliably and long-lasting as a regenerating and protective microfilm on the skin. It is sand-, sweat- and (salt-) water-resistant as well as friction-resistant. Only after drying off water or sweat with a towel or similar, the application has to be repeated.
Verhindert Shield Spray Skin UV 60 die Vitamin D-Bildung?
Vitamin D bildet sich bei Sonneneinstrahlung auf der Haut. Es ist gerade die Aufgabe jeder Art von Sun Care, dass diese Sonneneinstrahlung keine die Haut schädigenden Radikale in der Haut bildet. Das hemmt in Folge auch die Vitamin D-Bildung – bei Shield Spray Skin UV 60 wird diese allerdings nur reduziert und nicht auf Null zurückgeführt, wie es bei herkömmlichem Sonnenschutz der Fall ist, da Shield Spray Skin UV 60 die Haut biomimetisch, d.h. mit zu hauteigenen Sonnenschutz identischen Wirkweisen vor Sonne schützt
Gibt es irgendwelche Laborzertifikate über die Inhaltsstoffe?
Ja, die gibt es: Für jede einzelne Produktion müssen Hersteller von Kosmetik im GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) sog. CoA (Certificate of Analytics) fahren und über Analysen z.B. mögliche Belastung mit Schwermetallen, Pestiziden oder Lösungsmitteln ausschließen.
Gibt es Anwendungsstudien zur Nutzung/zum Nutzen der Produkte?
Wir testen unsere Produkte intensiv und über die gesetzlichen Vorgaben hinaus. Für DYNADION ist hier insbesondere das Performance Testing mit der Uniklinik (Dermatologie) der RWTH Aachen zu erwähnen.
Gibt es wissenschaftliche Studien oder Tests, die belegen, dass der Chitosan-Biopolymerkomplex UV-Strahlung effektiv absorbiert und einen zuverlässigen LSF 60/65+ bietet? Wie kann das Produkt wirken kann, wenn es keinerlei klassische UV-Filter enthält (weder chemisch noch mineralisch). Chitosan ist bekannt für seine feuchtigkeitsspendenden und wundheilenden Eigenschaften, aber nicht als UV-Blocker.
Der Lichtschutzfaktor ist selbstverständlich wissenschaftlich solide ermittelt / nachgewiesen. 100% organische Biopolymer-Komplexe sind das Fundament der Basistechnologie: Der Zellmembrankomplex des Stratum corneum der Haut (CMC) wird naturidentisch nachgebildet. Der so verstärkte CMC speichert viel mehr Wasser, ist stabiler und wird als die natürliche Schutzschicht der Haut aufgebaut und aktiv regeneriert. So bildet sich ein biomimetischer Mikroschutzfilm, der auf natürliche Art und Weise gegen UV-A, UV-B und UV-C-Strahlung schützt – alles hautidentisch ohne herkömmliche Sonnenschutzchemie und UV-Filter über Assimilierung der Strahlung insbesondere durch die Feuchtigkeit im Zellmembrankomplex.
Chitosan ist Basis des Biopolymer-Komplexes, dieser hat, wie Sie nun leicht erkennen können, aber viel weitergehende Eigenschaften als Chitosan selbst. Kurz zusammengefasst werden die Haut, ihr CMC und somit der hauteigener Sonnenschutz durch den Biopolymer-Komplex gestärkt.
Weitere Infos finden Sie hier:
Gibt es ein Patent (oder eine Anmeldung zum Patent) für diesen UV-Schutz?
Die dem Sonnenschutz zugrundeliegende Technologie ist auch weltweit patentiert.Weitere Infos finden Sie hier:
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